Lehsunia (Cat’s Eye)



  1. Provides protection against negative energies and evil spirits.
  2. Enhances spiritual insight and intuition.
  3. Promotes success in difficult and complex situations.
  4. Protects against sudden losses and misfortunes.
  5. Aids in overcoming obstacles and challenges.
  6. Supports mental clarity and decision-making.
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Lehsunia, also known as Cat's Eye, is a powerful gemstone associated with the shadow planet Ketu. It is known for its distinct chatoyant effect and is believed to provide protection, spiritual insight, and success in difficult circumstances.

Lehsunia, or Cat's Eye, is a unique gemstone with a striking appearance, characterized by a narrow band of light that moves across its surface, resembling the eye of a cat. This gemstone is closely linked to Ketu, the shadow planet associated with spirituality, detachment, and karmic influences. Wearing Lehsunia is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits, negative energies, and sudden losses.

Cat's Eye is particularly beneficial for those experiencing the adverse effects of Ketu in their horoscope or going through Ketu Mahadasha. It is also recommended for individuals dealing with complex situations, such as legal battles, financial instability, or health issues. Lehsunia is known to enhance intuition, spiritual insight, and the ability to navigate through difficult circumstances.

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Samll 5.25 ct, Medium 6.25 ct, Large 7.5 ct, XL 8.25 ct


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