Kal Sarp Dosh occurs when all the planets in a birth chart are positioned between Rahu and Ketu, creating a dosha that can lead to various challenges in life. People with Kal Sarp Dosh may face obstacles in career, health issues, financial difficulties, and relationship problems. The dosha can also bring sudden misfortunes, accidents, and a sense of unfulfilled potential. The intensity of Kal Sarp Dosh can vary depending on the specific placement of Rahu and Ketu in the chart.
Kal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja is performed to neutralize the malefic effects of this dosha. The puja involves specific rituals that include the worship of Lord Shiva, chanting of mantras, and performing a Kal Sarp Havan. The rituals are aimed at appeasing Rahu and Ketu, bringing balance and harmony to the individual’s life. Additionally, it is recommended to perform this puja on auspicious days like Nag Panchami and to wear a Gomed (Hessonite) gemstone to further reduce the effects of Kal Sarp Dosh.
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