The Five-Mukhi Rudraksha represents Kalagni Rudra, with Lord Kalagni as its presiding deity. This Rudraksha is known for dispelling sorrow and poverty, enhancing physical health, and eradicating sins. It symbolizes the five forms of Brahma and the five elements. This Rudraksha is considered auspicious for overall well-being, longevity, and prosperity. Astrologically, it is associated with the planet Jupiter and is beneficial for alleviating ailments related to the thighs and liver, as well as for mitigating the adverse effects of Jupiter.
Divine Significance: The Five-Mukhi Rudraksha embodies the essence of Kalagni Rudra and represents the five elements. It is known for its powerful ability to destroy sins and purify the wearer. It is particularly effective in absolving sins related to illicit relationships and consumption of forbidden foods.
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